Current Scientific Journal - ISSN 2764-1759 (online)

ISSN: 2965-307X (impresso)

Internationally Indexed Scientific Journal


 DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7410838


Telma Regina Stroparo

Master in Regional Development, Professor at the State University of the Midwest (Unicentro), e-mail:

Summary : Agroecology promotes health and food security as it is based on sustainable assumptions of production, rational use of the environment and preservation of agrobiodiversity, among others. The objective of the article is to reflect on the interfaces of agroecology with the rural environment, notably in the light of health promotion and food security. Methodologically, it is a qualitative research, with a bibliographical approach and uses a literature review to bring reflections on the problem, in the context of public health. A bibliographic review was carried out in the databases of Science Direct and Google Scholar articles. The results point to the relevance of agroecology and the close relationships between the topics addressed.

Keywords: Agroecology. Health. Food Security. Sustainable development

HEALTH, FOOD SAFETY AND AGROECOLOGY HEALTH, FOOD SAFETY AND AGROECOLOGY Reviewed by Current Scientific Journal on dezembro 07, 2022 Rating: 5
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