Current Scientific Journal - ISSN 2764-1759 (online)

ISSN: 2965-307X (impresso)

Internationally Indexed Scientific Journal


 DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10359733


Julianne Dutra da Costa

Undergraduate in English , Estácio de Sá, Registration number: 202306167122. Graduate in Law, Centro de Ensino Superior do Pará, registration number: 22060113. Student in Mediation, at Faculdade Estácio de Sá.


Adrielly Gomes Dutra

Undergraduate in Psychology, FACI Wyden ,


Rosinei Mendonça Dutra da Costa

Graduated with a Full Degree in Mathematics, from the State University of Pará, in 2002. Mathematics Teacher on the permanent staff of the State Department of Education of Pará, SEDUC/PA. Postgraduate in Special Education, from Faculdade Focus. Master's Degree in Knowledge Management for Socio-Environmental Development, University of Amazônia.

Education is important, especially the education that is present on the basis of building future knowledge, which begins in early childhood. Elementary school is the period that allows the development of ideas and behaviors, but there are its difficulties.

THE NEW CHALLENGES OF BASIC EDUCATION THE NEW CHALLENGES OF BASIC EDUCATION Reviewed by Current Scientific Journal on dezembro 11, 2023 Rating: 5
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