Current Scientific Journal - ISSN 2764-1759 (online)

ISSN: 2965-307X (impresso)

Internationally Indexed Scientific Journal


 DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7916619


Gabriela de Lima Ribeiro

Master's student at the Graduate Program in Social Policy and Human Rights at the Catholic University of Pelotas - .


This study aims to investigate to what extent the Argentine Decree 475/2021, which recognizes maternal care as a contribution time for retirement, favors the insertion of Care Economics as a practice of human rights promotion and defense within the scope of Feminist Economics. This theoretical-empirical research uses the conceptual framework of Feminist Economics, qualitatively approached to classify the Argentine case according to its relevance for the entering of the gender topic in the global human rights agenda. Primary and secondary sources were consulted for analytical-descriptive purposes and lead us to consider that the aforementioned Decree constitutes a contribution in line with the Feminist Conciliation Economy. Contributions concerning the inclusion of a feminist perspective in public policies to mitigate economic gender disparities. Despite not presenting a priori effective breaks with the market logic and androcentric precepts of traditional economics, it was influenced by the context of political praxis and demands of the international feminist movement and the Argentine struggle for women's rights.

Keywords: Care economics; Feminist economics; Human rights; gender equality; Argentina.

ECONOMY OF CARE AND HUMAN RIGHTS: THE ARGENTINE DECREE 475/2021 ECONOMY OF CARE AND HUMAN RIGHTS: THE ARGENTINE DECREE 475/2021 Reviewed by Current Scientific Journal on maio 09, 2023 Rating: 5
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