Current Scientific Journal - ISSN 2764-1759 (online)

ISSN: 2965-307X (impresso)

Internationally Indexed Scientific Journal


 DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7630241


 Reginaldo Possobam

Accountant from the State University of the Midwest (UNICENTRO), specialist in Strategic People Management and Public Administration (UNICESUMAR). Email:


Telma Regina Stroparo

PhD student at PPGG-UEPG, Master in Regional Development, works as a Professor at the State University of the Midwest (UNICENTRO). E-mail:

Abstract: Characterized as an unconventional food plant (UFP – PANC in Portuguese), with underutilization in Brazilian cuisine, but with great potential due to its dense nutritional composition in proteins, vitamins and minerals, the Ora-pro-nobis plant presents itself as an income alternative for small producers. rural. The objective of the research was to evaluate economic aspects arising from the production of Ora-pro-nobis in family farming. Methodologically, this is applied research, of an exploratory-descriptive nature, with a qualitative, bibliographic, documentary, non-participant approach, with non-probabilistic, intentional and convenience sampling. The scope of the research is limited to the sample composed of six Reference Units producing Ora-pro-nóbis. The results point out that this is a profitable economic activity with guaranteed sale of all production, presenting itself, therefore, as a viable income alternative for small plots of land.

Keywords: Unconventional Food Plants (UFP), Ora-Pro-Nóbis, Family Farming, Income Generation.

ORA-PRO-NÓBIS (Pereskia Aculeata Mill): PROFITABILITY ANALYSIS ORA-PRO-NÓBIS (Pereskia Aculeata Mill): PROFITABILITY ANALYSIS Reviewed by Current Scientific Journal on fevereiro 10, 2023 Rating: 5
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